Medical Fitness Difference

Updated 2011

After hard work and continued dedication to wellness, our Galter LifeCenter staff is pleased to share that we have been honored with Medical Fitness Association Facility Certification, the industry’s most prized designation. It was given in recognition of our ability to set the bar for excellence and leadership in the medical fitness field.

As an organization we have always strived to provide the best programming, staffing and experiences for our members. But now, our efforts have been recognized on a national scale. We are proud to say that we are one of only 14 Medical Fitness Centers in the nation to boast this designation.

Many companies brag about certification and honors they receive, but this one directly affects you as a Galter LifeCenter member.

We asked four members to tell us what this certification means to them. Here is what they had to say.

“ It’s proof that the resources are of the highest caliber and level of expertise you can find. When you ask for advice you know that what you will get is medically grounded and from a reliable source. You know that the classes are led by someone knowledgeable.” – Rachel Stark Inch

“ It’s an outstanding feature. This is a place for people to get better. It’s inspirational to see people working on bettering themselves. It’s not for the buff to get buff.” – Cesar Gonzalez

“It shows that the focus is more on well-being. It’s not about looks here like other gyms. It’s making people better inside and out. The focus is on overall wellness and that shows through.” – Trisha Palma

“ I think it’s great! It’s really great. However, it doesn’t really mean anything for me. I don’t have any injuries or health issues.” – Vivian Thomas

It is clear from their responses that Galter LifeCenter is more than just a fitness center. It is a place where members benefit from medical expertise if they need it.

Many members, like Vivian, are not currently experiencing health issues, and understandably may not fully grasp the difference that excellence in medical fitness makes. They can, however, benefit from the highest standards in staff credentialing, equipment, safety and environment. During the evaluation process for the certification, Galter LifeCenter proved that they provide:

  • The cleanest, safest and most welcoming fitness environment in the state.
  • A staff entirely comprised of certified, credentialed professionals, trained in CPR and AED.
  • A unique, comprehensive mix of fitness, wellness and clinical programs, including aquatic courses and integrative therapies.
  • The highest quality machines and equipment to help you get the most out of your workout.
  • Free athletic and medical screenings for members and the community.
  • Certification from the Medical Fitness Association also highlights the seamless medical service integration between Galter LifeCenter and Swedish Hospital and dedication to customer service and the “Exercise as Medicine” philosophy.

In addition to this great achievement, Galter LifeCenter also received the prestigious Medical Fitness Association Facility Distinguished Achievement Award—an honor annually bestowed on only one medical fitness facility in the nation. And Francie Habash, program director at Galter LifeCenter, received the Distinguished Service/Administrator award for displaying significant leadership in the medical fitness profession.

It is our hope that you experience the benefits of these achievements for yourself during every visit you make to Galter LifeCenter, and that the certification provides extra value to your membership.

>Watch our celebration that took place January 15-23, 2011.

For more information on the certification, visit

"I keep coming back for the friendly people starting at the front desk." - Paul